Bar Soba
Hello it's me I am still kickin. Deal number 5- Bar Soba Merchant City! Now this one was interesting because Bar Soba previously had a very-well known student deal for the past few years: 2 for 1 mains. However while doing some research for this blog I found out that they had gotten rid of this deal (SHOCK HORROR) and replaced it with another one completely. Now, the annoying part about this deal is that you've gotta work for it. Like really want it. By this I mean you have to apply for it online and go collect your student card at your local Bar Soba. Which I know is a chore for first-world uni students. But honestly a deal that's pretty worth it. The student deal consists of: 50% of all food on the main menu and 25% off of drinks. (T&Cs- valid all day Sunday to Thursday ad 12pm to 5pm on Fridays) I know it's a bit different than the other deals I've done but I thought 50% off a wHoLe MeNu was definitely worth a go! There's so much choice with this deal t...